Historia En El Calmecac

Female Clothing

14 September 2013

Women wore two main upper-body garments. Huipil Huipil was a loose, sleeveless tunic, composed of two or more joined webs of cloth that extended to between the knee and ankle. It appears first among the Classic Maya period and was still in use at the... Read More

Prehispanic Male Dress

14 September 2013

Máxtlatl (loincloth) For over three thousand years, from the Middle Preclassic period to the Spanish conquest, quintessential male garment was worn in each of the successive Mesoamerican civilizations, with only exception (see below). The loincloth was a continuous strip of material that covered the genitals... Read More

Who goes to Mictlan

4 February 2013

Mictlantecuhtli, the God of the Dead was the supreme ruler of Mictlan, or what you may call the Underworld. So today he will talk about Mictlan and the way the deceased reached this place The deceased people, those who had not been elected either by... Read More

Clase De Náhuatl #3

11 December 2012

We begin with the #ClaseDeNáhuatl So, this time our #ClaseDeNáhuatl will continue to deal with the meaning of names of various modern Mexican cities and towns that, apparently, came from Nahuatl. Last week I talked about cities that begin with the letter A. Today I... Read More

Clase De Náhuatl #2

9 December 2012

Ready for #ClaseDeNáhuatl? Today I’ll talk a little about indefinite pronouns and conjunctions. The conjunction is the voice that joins the parts of the speech. There are copulative conjunctions, ie linking speech. There are also trade-offs that disjoint or separate speech. In Nahuatl the copulative... Read More

Clase De Náhuatl #1

9 December 2012

We begin with the #ClaseDeNáhuatl Do you live in the area which name seems to have originated in Nahuatl and you don’t know what it means? This what this # ClaseDeNáhuatl will attempt to answer. What do I mean by place names? So easy, I... Read More

Where does the word Otomi come from?

9 December 2012

Hñähñu, Natho, Ñuhu, Ñuhmu, Yuhu, Yuhmu or Otomi? Where does the word Otomi come from? Why is it used to appoint us as ethnicity? The term “Otomi” usually refers to the ethnic groups of central Mexico. Perhaps it had originated from the Nahuatl word Otomitl... Read More

The World of the Fifth Sun, Part II

25 August 2012

In the first part of #LeyendasMexicas Tonight I talked about the four failed attempts of the gods to creat the perfect world. So now I will tell you what happened next. The world was a total darkness and the only thing that had lit it... Read More

The World of the Fifth Sun, Part I

25 August 2012

Tonight at # LeyendasMexicas I will tell you one of the many legends of creation. I will talk about the Fifth Sun. *approaches the bonfire* Are you ready? Let’s start then with the # LeyendasMexicas night. Today we speak of our world, the World of... Read More

The Journey through the Underworld

10 August 2012

Today we will talk of Mictlan and the other mansions of death. *Look at the bonfire* Time to start the # LeyendasMexicas. Are you ready? Today I will talk of the Four Houses of the Dead. In particular the journey we have to do while... Read More

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