Historia En El Calmecac

Cihuacoatl, The Goddess of The Earth

27 July 2012

It’s almost time. *Look at the sky and then towards Xochimilco* Today is the day of Leyendas Mexicas. Let us start with Cihuacoatl Legend. The mighty Goddess of childbirth, watching over women who had died in childbirth. This legend is divided into two very different... Read More

Tlacaelel, the man who gave the Aztec empire its history

24 July 2012

Many sources report him to be the First Son of the Second Mexica Ruler, Huitzilihuitl; or at least one of the tlatoani’s first children. A legitimate son, he possessed it all – the birthright, the brilliance, the drive, the ability to work hard – all... Read More

Historia En El Calmecac

24 July 2012

Welcome to Calmecac. You are about to enter the calmecac, a school for noble boys (and girls in our case, which is exceptional and could be allowed only here), the ones who would be trained to become warriors and leaders. A few gifted commoners were... Read More

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