Historia En El Calmecac

Xochipilli – the Noble Young Lord of Flowers

9 June 2015

I’m honored to present a guest post from Calpulli Xiuhcoatl (Cuezalin), an expert on Mesoamerica and its various indigenous nations and cultures. This is our lord Xochipilli (also Macuilxochitl) – the Noble Young Lord of Flowers. He/It is the personification of recreational sex, chance, dance,... Read More

Tezcatlipoca – the Smoking Mirror

9 June 2015

I’m honored to present a guest post from Calpulli Xiuhcoatl (Cuezalin), an expert on Mesoamerica and its various indigenous nations and cultures. Tezcatlihpoca – the mirror that smokes – has many other names. It is known as: Titlacauan – we are his people/subjects/slaves Ipalnemoani –... Read More

Tezcatlipoca – the Smoking Mirror

8 June 2015

I’m honored to present a guest post from Calpulli Xiuhcoatl (Cuezalin), an expert on Mesoamerica and its various indigenous nations and cultures. Tezcatlihpoca – the mirror that smokes – has many other names. It is known as: Titlacauan – we are his people/subjects/slaves Ipalnemoani –... Read More

Real smart folks, but no wheel?

31 August 2014

Why didn’t the peoples of ancient Mesoamerica have wheeled transport? They had a vibrant commercial economy, with lots of long-distance trade, periodic marketplaces, and professional merchants. They had two types of money. But they didn’t use wheeled carts. The surprising thing is that the Mesoamericans... Read More

Aztec Furniture

6 May 2014

Mesoamerican climate – never extreme and with long periods of pleasant temperatures – played an important role in shaping the region’s architecture and household furnishings. Since building methods had barely moved on beyond ‘post-and-beam’ techniques (vertical columns or posts and horizontal beams or lintels), common... Read More

How did they make colorful costumes?

4 May 2014

The Aztecs had many ways of creating the vibrant colors they used to dye their clothes with. As beautiful were their pigments for paintings, murals, and covers of their sculptures. Here’s a small list of some of the materials and processes they used: Color RED... Read More

Aztec Cuisine

11 April 2014

Between the grand feasts consumed by the Mexica rulers in Tenochtitlan Palace and the daily meals the last of the commoners living by the wharves or the marketplace hastily devoured, the flow of the edible goods entering the island city had to be maintained and... Read More

Aztec Childhood and Family

11 April 2014

The lives of children in Mesoamerica were fascinating in many respects. To understand how children fit into the Aztec culture, and how they were honored, we should go right back to the beginning… even before the children were born. Birth Since warfare was glorified by... Read More

Aztec Calendar

13 March 2014

Many pre-columbian people of central Mexico, the Aztecs included, shared the same basic structure of calendar that consisted of 365-days cycle, among the rest. In fact there were two calendars: Xiuhpohualli (xiuhtl-year, pohualli-count) – the 365 days calendar, and a 260-day ritual cycle called Tonalpohualli... Read More

Women in Aztec Civilization

9 March 2014

Women in Aztec civilization had a certain degree of acknowledged equality with men, and enjoyed relative independence in matters such as paid work. Aztec civilization saw the rise of a military culture, however, that was closed to women and made their role more subordinate to... Read More

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