Posts Tagged: Mayans

Real smart folks, but no wheel?

31 August 2014

I’m honored to present a guest post from Andres Michel Amezcua (Quezaltcoalt), Bilingual Interpreter at American Translators Association, an expert on Mesoamerica and its various indigenous nations and cultures. Why didn’t the peoples of ancient Mesoamerica have wheeled transport? They had a vibrant commercial economy,... Read More

The Rise of the Aztecs Part V, Texcoco, The Acolhua Capital

7 September 2012

In ‘The Rise of the Aztec Part IV’, we left the Aztecs prospering, developing their island-city, in good grace with their overlords, the Tepanecs, and generally well off. With the growing trade Tenochtitlan began to evolve into a real altepetl. The increasing amount of independent... Read More