Posts Tagged: tribute

The Rise of the Aztecs Part VI, Tipping the Ballance

2 October 2012

In ‘The Rise of the Aztecs Part V Texcoco, The Acolhua Capital’, we left the Valley of Mexico boiling, preparing for the upcoming war between the mighty Tepanec Empire and the rebellious Acolhua people of Texcoco, with the Aztecs sitting safely on the fence, smooth-talking... Read More

The Rise of the Aztecs Part V, Texcoco, The Acolhua Capital

7 September 2012

In ‘The Rise of the Aztec Part IV’, we left the Aztecs prospering, developing their island-city, in good grace with their overlords, the Tepanecs, and generally well off. With the growing trade Tenochtitlan began to evolve into a real altepetl. The increasing amount of independent... Read More