Posts Tagged: Seneca

The Great Peacemaker, the founder of the Great League – the Iroquois Confederacy

30 May 2018

The Great Peacemaker of the Iroquois/Haudenosaunee People might be the most documented person in pre-contact North America, or at least the most remembered historical figure. Just like the Great League of his creation, which has a huge impact on the history of this side of... Read More

The Rise of the Iroquois Part III, Haudenosaunee, the People of the Longhouse

27 February 2014

With the People of the Flint (Mohawks) firmly behind him, the Great Peacemaker could now begin implementing his plans full time. First the National Council of his current hosts has to be organized, to be conducted in the way of the town councils, with its... Read More

Historical Fiction and the Five Nations

23 September 2013

Having proven the divine nature of his mission to the People of the Flint (Mohawks), the Great Peacemaker began working for real. Backed by this powerful nation and their goodwill, he had approached their immediate neighbors, The People of the Standing Stone (Oneida), who had... Read More

The Rise of the Iroquois, part I – In the lands of the Crooked Tongues

14 September 2013

The most recent studies place the formation of the Five Nations’ Great League, people whom we know today as Iroquois, at around 1142, basing their conclusion on the oral tradition, archaeological evidence, and specific events such as full solar eclipse that was most clearly mentioned... Read More

Historical fiction and the Iroquois

1 September 2013

The Great League of the Iroquois existed for centuries before both Americas had been discovered by the other continents. Composed of five nations known to us under the names of Mohawks, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca, the Iroquois Confederacy had occupied most of the present-day... Read More

The Great Peacemaker

18 August 2011

He came from across the Great Sparkling Water (Ontario), carrying the tidings of peace. Alone, in a stone canoe; or so the legend says. His mission was suicidal. The southern shores of the Great Lake were torn by decades of a fierce warfare. Five powerful... Read More