Posts Tagged: Huexotzinco

Military career

29 September 2017

Youths just out of school – both calmecac and telpochcalli yet mostly from the prestigious calmecac – used to be picked by veterans as yaotelpochtli or shield-bearers. Their duty was to carry their veteran’s military equipment, spare weaponry and clothes, keep an eye on his... Read More

Historical fiction and the fall of the Tepanec Empire

19 March 2013

The “Rise of the Aztecs” series ended with the siege put on Tenochtitlan in the beginning of 1428. Prepared, the island-city didn’t panic, blocking the causeways and making sure no water-borne offensive could have been launched by the angered Tepanecs. Itzcoatl and Tlacaelel were ready,... Read More

The Rise of the Aztecs Part VII, Nezahualcoyotl, the heir to Texcoco throne

26 November 2012

In ‘The Rise of the Aztecs Part VI’, we left the Tepanec Empire ruling the lands around Lake Texcoco, holding the whole Valley of Mexico in their firm grip. Yet, eastward to Texcoco, over the high ridges where the Nahua, Mixtec were inclined favorably toward... Read More