Posts Tagged: Great Sun

Married into the Mississippian royal family? Follow your loved one into his new beginning

31 October 2018

Upon the great mounds of Cahokia and the rest of the great Mississippian cities, life was reported to be significantly different than among the dwellers of the countryside and the simpler towns and neighborhoods. As mentioned in the previous article, the lower class people did... Read More

When a Mississippian Boy Meets a Mississippian Girl

31 August 2018

While the rules governing marriage eligibility seemed to be strict among the Mississippian nobility, the common people were reported to enjoy more freedom and less ceremony by far. Especially the representatives of the fair sex. In fact, it might seem that, while not enjoying the... Read More

The Dubious Privilege of Being a Son of the Great Sun

27 July 2018

The magnificent mound of Cahokia, the largest man-made earthwork in North America, is towering over the surrounding landscape of the beautiful Missouri River and multitude of other man-made mounds, over 100 feet high and nearly 1000 feet long, massive, multi-terraced, imposing, humbling. It must have... Read More