Posts Tagged: ebook

Historical fiction and the Aztecs

18 September 2012

My “Pre-Aztec” series ended toward the second half of the 14th century, leaving Mexican Valley under the stern rule of the Tepanec Empire; empire which spread around Lake Texcoco, encompassing it, holding many provinces and city-states in its firm grip. A few decades passed and... Read More

Bathing twice a day

26 June 2012

In Mesoamerica of 16th century the dilemma was simple. Was it better to bath once a day or once a month? The state policy of reorganized by the Spanish authorities Tenochtitlan stated that once a month was more than enough. Any more frequent visits to... Read More

The Rise of the Aztecs Part IV, Azcapotzalco, The Tepanec Capital

10 June 2012

In ‘The Rise of the Aztec Part III’, we dealt with the Aztecs struggling to make their island-city, Tenochtitlan, more presentable, so the snobbish tourists from the altepetls around Lake Texcoco would not look down their long haughty noses and sneer. Energetic and forceful, the... Read More