Posts Tagged: action

Historical fiction and the Aztecs

18 September 2012

My “Pre-Aztec” series ended toward the second half of the 14th century, leaving Mexican Valley under the stern rule of the Tepanec Empire; empire which spread around Lake Texcoco, encompassing it, holding many provinces and city-states in its firm grip. A few decades passed and... Read More

The Rise of the Aztecs Part III, Tenochtitlan, The Aztec Capital

26 February 2012

“… When we saw so many cities and villages built in the water and other great towns on dry land we were amazed and said that it was like the enchantments… great towers and cues and buildings rising from the water, and all built of... Read More

The mysterious Anasazi and historical fiction

27 January 2012

Around the eleventh century, the modern-day Southwest canyons were alive with architectural wonders, cliff cities and sprawling fields belonging to the Ancient Cliff Dwellers, more known to us as Anasazi. Those ancients built their multi-storey great houses of hundreds of spacious, well-conditioned rooms with such... Read More