
Historical Fiction and the Long Tails or Erie People

18 October 2015

The first serious military clash between the Great League of the Five Iroquois Nations and the Erie People (Erielhonan/Long Tails) is relatively well-documented. In his History of Ashtabula County, Ohio, written in 1798, Rev. S. D. Peet dedicates more than a whole chapter to the... Read More

Never leave in hunger

14 October 2015

One of the sturdiest pillars of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) society was the tradition of hospitality, the warmest welcoming a visitor was to receive, whether a friend, a clan/family member or a total stranger, even an enemy or a captive, it didn’t matter. The law of... Read More

Historical Fiction and the Wyandot

12 October 2015

The alliance of the Wyandot People from the northern side of the Lake Ontario—Huron as we came to know them in the modern recorded history—got significantly less attention than the famous great League of the Five Iroquois Nations. In fact, the little that we do... Read More

Would you marry me?

8 October 2015

So what happened when the all-too-familiar scenario occurred in this or that Haudenosaunee/Iroquois town or village, when a certain pretty girl would catch a certain boy’s eye, refusing to leave his thoughts no matter where he went? Or the other way around, of course. Like... Read More

Tezcatlipoca – the Smoking Mirror

9 June 2015

I’m honored to present a guest post from Calpulli Xiuhcoatl (Cuezalin), an expert on Mesoamerica and its various indigenous nations and cultures. Tezcatlihpoca – the mirror that smokes – has many other names. It is known as: Titlacauan – we are his people/subjects/slaves Ipalnemoani –... Read More

Historical Fiction and the conflict around Lake Ontario

14 May 2015

The confederacy of the Five Iroquois Nations was an outstanding political body, an impressive democracy that the world was yet to see anywhere around the globe for quite a few centuries to come. The intricate set of laws that reached for every aspect of life,... Read More

The Peach Stone Game

4 February 2015

Games of chance seem to be not a small part of North American life since the times immemorial. Even the deities were reported to engage in betting, while contesting for power and influence over the ‘Turtle Island’ (our world) and those who populated it, the... Read More

Historical Fiction and the Mohicans

30 December 2014

While having a fairly large amount of evidence as to the time of the Great Iroquois League formation, we cannot tell for sure when the Mu-hee-can (Mohican) People came to occupy the valleys of the Hudson River. It might have happened not many decades after... Read More

The Rise of the Iroquois, Part IV – back to the other side

22 October 2014

The legend of the Peacemaker ends with the creation of the Great League, when the first gathering of the Five Nations and their fifty representatives were presented with the insignia of their office and told about their duties and responsibilities. There was little that the... Read More

My Books

17 September 2014

Mesoamerica North America The Mesoamerican Saga First, we will travel to the beautiful, sparkling, bubbling with life Mexican Valley/Anahuac, the place of constantly shifting powers and political games, wars and alliances, great cities and states, well regulated life and laws, incredible engineering feats; the place... Read More

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